EDMONTON, AB – WestCan Proton Therapy Inc. has announced their plans to invest in Canada’s first proton therapy treatment centre to be built in Edmonton. The centre will officially be named in honour of Ben Stelter, beloved six-year-old Edmonton Oilers super-fan and team ambassador whose father, Mike, was recently a recipient of proton therapy.
The Ben Stelter Centre for Proton Therapy and Neuroscience represents approximately $120 million in investment and is expected to create 250+ jobs during construction, as well as up to 100 permanent positions. This marks a historic moment in healthcare advancement in the Edmonton region. The much-anticipated, high-tech facility will offer some of the most advanced forms of radiation treatment for cancer patients in Canada.
The facility, which has been supported by the Ben Stelter Foundation, will create a local treatment option for publicly-funded patients from Alberta, ensuring all Albertans get access to the treatment they need, when they need it. As the first of its kind in Canada, this facility will also provide access to other Canadians seeking proton therapy treatment.
“We’re honoured to have Ben’s name on this world-class facility that will help treat both pediatric and adult cancer patients. Ben’s legacy will be honored by not just treating cancer patients, but also through groundbreaking research that will be best-in-class and something that can be shared with facilities worldwide. With the advances and our incredible experience in artificial intelligence and machine learning, coupling that with our amazing physicians, surgeons, researchers and other healthcare practitioners, the possibilities are endless.” – Ashif Mawji, Chair of the Ben Stelter Foundation
“The unmatched generosity and support from across Alberta through the Oilers 50/50 and other Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation initiatives has not only helped honour the legacy and loving memory of Ben, it has helped fund the Ben Stelter Foundation and led to real progress in the fight against cancer in Oil Country. On behalf of the EOCF, we would like to congratulate the Ben Stelter Foundation, Edmonton Global and WestCan Proton Therapy for bringing proton therapy treatment to Edmonton.” – Corey Smith, EOCF Board Chair
“We couldn’t be more proud of our clinical, research, and industry partners who are bringing their experience, excellence, and expertise to this project. At WestCan, we are dedicated to providing the very best in cancer treatment. This facility will ensure that proton therapy is accessible for all Canadians and will serve as a model for future projects around the world. This project has been an all-of-community approach. We are so grateful for the Ben Stelter Foundation, the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation, the Province of Alberta, Edmonton Global, and the many other Edmonton region partners that have supported this project.” – Gordon Baltzer, CEO, WestCan Proton Therapy
“Introducing proton therapy to the Edmonton region marks a significant milestone in enhancing the lives of Canadians. This is a first not only for the Edmonton region, but a first for Canada. We take immense pride in being the chosen location for this remarkable facility dedicated to treating cancer patients. By further cementing the Edmonton region’s position as a hub for life sciences, we’re strengthening the foundation of excellence for future advancements and collaborations in healthcare. With world-leading research, talent, and facilities the Edmonton region is attracting investment and fostering a vibrant ecosystem for groundbreaking research and development. – Malcolm Bruce, CEO, Edmonton Global
“Bringing a cutting-edge treatment like proton therapy right to our community will benefit cancer patients in Alberta and potentially across all of Canada. We are excited for WestCan and all the community partners as the vision of a more advanced, innovative care is becoming a reality.” – Dr. Jodi Abbott, President & CEO of the University Hospital Foundation.
“Our kids deserve the best care the world has to offer. Congratulations to the Ben Stelter Foundation and WestCan for bringing proton therapy to our province.” – Karen Faulkner, Interim CEO and President, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation
“We’re thrilled to share our experience from the Roberts Proton Therapy Center at Penn Medicine and look forward to the opportunity to build new collaborations with leading scientists at the University of Alberta through the Ben Stelter Proton Facility and Neuroscience Centre of Excellence. When world-class experts unite across disciplines and institutions, it paves the way for innovation and new insights that can shape future approaches to research and patient care.” – James Metz, MD, Chair of Radiation Oncology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
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