Based in Helsinki, Finland, MEGIN is the global leader for Magnetoencephalography (MEG) technology, a non-invasive, functional brain mapping solution for the diagnostic workup, treatment strategy and intervention of neurological conditions. Through innovation and passionate exploration of the endless possibilities with MEG, specialists from close to one hundred sites from around the world have used our MEG technology to study pathological and eloquent areas of the brain in patients diagnosed with neurological disorders.
MEGIN Announces Japan Expansion
We are delighted to announce MEGIN is developing their operation in Japan by launching MEGIN KK in Tokyo this October. The company will be led by Mr. Kazuhiko Yamashita, who has been appointed as General Manager and will guide the operational transition. An experienced and highly-qualified team of MEG experts will transfer from ELEKTA K.K. to service and support our customers in the country and General Managament.
With major technological and usability enhancements, such as our revolutionary, ultra-robust ARMOR™ sensor and upcoming software products, already implemented in or under active development for our TRIUX™ neo, we are now investing in building a more robust organization and platform to further increase the number and utilization of MEG systems in Japan in the coming years.
MEGIN is excited to build and develop deeper relationships with our customers, healthcare organizations, educational and research institutes, key opinion leaders and patient communities to further foster MEG and leverage its benefits in clinical applications as well as research across Japan.
MEGIN Community
MEGIN is pleased to reveal the upcoming launch of the MEGIN Community which will provide an easy to use centralized platform for communication between Users and the Customer Care Team and allow easy access to product material, self-help articles as well as online training courses.

Customer Care Team News
Internal Helium Recycler sites – a major benefiter during COVID pandemic
MEGIN’s Internal Helium Recycler (IHR) technology brings zero helium boil-off technology to TRIUX™ MEG systems to reduce this helium consumption and spare the environment. Despite facing logistical challenges and restrictions in terms of access due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MEGIN is proud to report that all our MEG sites with IHR have been able to keep MEG systems operational. The advanced remote support tool inbuilt in IHR has been very useful during the times Megin support has been needed.
Support and installation projects continue to thrive
MEGIN’s Customer Care Team has heavily focused on finding ways to support our customers during the tightly restricted pandemic times.
We are currently excited to be able to start on site work with two new US MEG installation projects though traveling is still partly limited. In addition, the team has managed to solve the critical on site support needs for those locations which have been accessible.

Dr. Stefan Rampp, University Hospital
Erlangen, Germany
MEGIN’s newly launched Spotlight series invited Dr Stefan Rampp from University Hospital in Erlangen, Germany to share his knowledge and experience using Magnetoencephalography (MEG) in treatment of patients diagnosed with neurological disorders.
We hope to provide useful and helpful material within the spotlight features for for potential use and support of neurosurgical and administration departments.
Please click on below video to watch our newest feature!
MEGIN Customers
MEGIN is delighted to announce the sale of our fourth-generation technology, the TRIUX™ neo, to The Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS), location University of Washington, USA. I-LABS is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to discovering the fundamental principles of human learning, with a special emphasis on early learning and brain development. I-LABS research initiatives advance the basic understanding of how, when, and why early learning occurs, with the goal of enhancing the lives of all children.
MEGIN is pleased to announce the sale of our Internal Helium Recycler (IHR) to Swinburne University of Technology. Based in Melbourne Australia, Swinburne is a world-class university creating social and economic impacts through science, technology and innovation. Swinburne has an international reputation for quality research that connects science and technology with business and the community, which is well documented with their magnetoencephalography (MEG) research.
With the purchase of MEGIN’s IHR technology, Swinburne will completely eliminate the weekly refill by circulating their TRIUX’s helium in a closed cycle. It remains passive during a scan and doesn’t create any vibrations or acoustic noise that could impact data quality, resulting in a significant reduction in yearly operational costs, improved operational efficiency, and the highest quality scans.
MEGIN Case Studies
Alyssa’s tumor treatment
Alyssa had a tumor in an area of the brain close to her speech center. MEGIN’s MEG technology was critical in helping the doctors at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital to remove the tumor while preserving Alyssa’s ability to speak.
MEGIN Community News
MEGIN would like to provide industry related news, discussion topics as well as studies, research conducted by fellow colleagues and share this with the wider MEG community. These news items are selected only for information purposes for our customers and MEGIN does not endorse any applications or treatments mentioned.
Age matters! It turns out that this is also relevant for EEG/MEG analysis in adults. A combination of EEG and MEG to measure individual skull conductivity in a new paper published by the acclaimed Dr Stefan Rampp, University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany.
Read more and download the paper clicking on below link:
A book that uncovers the discovery of the latest functional imaging method of the human brain called MEG, reveals how technology influences the evolution of scientific disciplines. A must read for epileptologists, neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons and systems neuroscientists.
For further information click on the link below:
Upcoming events of interest
AES2020, December 4-8th, 2020, is the new concept of a virtual event for epilepsy professionals in academia, clinical practice, industry, and advocacy.
To register for this virtual event click on the link below:
Next edition to be published Spring 2021
Spotlight featuring Patricia Kuhl and team I-LABS
Educational MEG animation material