What is magnetoencephalography (MEG)?
MEG is an imaging technique that measures ongoing brain activity on a millisecond-by-millisecond basis, showing where in the brain the activity is produced. MEG is entirely non-invasive, silent, and with no applied magnetic fields, radiation, or injections of any kind.
MEG is an exciting technique that helps us understand how the brain works in real-time to improve the lives of patients affected by neurological or psychiatric disorders.*
MEG supplements techniques such as MRI, CT, and PET scans by providing real-time measurements of brain activity- so researchers and physicians can see what’s happening in the brain.
*TRIUX™ neo is approved for use to non-invasively localize regions of active areas and epileptic activity within the brain and, in conjunction with other diagnostic data, in neurosurgical planning. All other applications are investigational.